Friday, July 5, 2013

Holy Cow!

After a year of what seems like endless chaos and medical emergencies in our house, I am FINALLY back to blogging here.  In fact, we now have three blogs.  This one, faithlovefamilylife, which is my blog, and now Crossroad of the Age, my husband's blog.  It's been a real journey, getting him from where he was February 2012 up to now.  In the meantime, I've learned TONS of new things to write about and share here, but I want to also celebrate and write about the nuclear family and how to pull together in times of lean to help and encourage one another.  We are witnessing incredibly trying times in our country and around the world.  I think that for all intents and purposes, gone are the days of endless lines of cars around the block for a Starbucks latte.  In fact, if I drink any coffee at all, it's usually the new mixes that you find in the cooler at the store.  For the cost of ONE at Dutch Brothers, actually for LESS than the cost of one at Dutch Brothers, I can get a carton that gives me about eight glasses of coffee if I mix it down with some milk.  AND we became owners of a SodaStream machine and that has been FUN.  That's coming up in a blog.  Also, I am going to blog on homemade mixes for cocoa, coffee, Russian tea--all sorts of goodies.  Let's make Christmas less this year about shopping and Black Friday and more about showing our family and friends how much we love them with homemade gifts. 

Stay tuned......